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Article I.   Name:

Section 1.     Carter Bush Willis Young Johnson Green hereinafter referred to as


Article II.  Purpose:

Section 1.     The purpose of this organization is to (1) promote communications among our family members (2) establish a united and harmonious bond of kinship and (3) to foster continuous support and pride in each generation.

Article III. Members:

Section 1.     The membership of this organization shall be family members and their spouses and adopted, foster, or step children of the Carter Bush Willis Young Johnson and Green families.

Section 2.     The family member costs shall be set by the current Executive Committee which consists of the current officers, coordinators and past Family Reunion Chairs.


Article IV. CBWYJG Governance: 
Section 1.     The organization shall be overseen and governed by an Executive Committee consisting of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Administrators, Secretarys, Treasurers and Small Committee Sub-Chairs called Coordinators.  


Section 2.      The Executive Committee shall hold a Business Meeting every second Tuesday of the month at 7:00PM EST to 8:00PM via TeleConference.  Periodic additional meetings can be scheduled as needed. Any family member can listen in and comment, but only Officers can vote. 
Section 3.      The Executive Committee fosters the unity and harmony of the CBWYJG organization through a biyearly Family Reunion weekend on the even years and a Family Fun Day on the odd year. 

Section 4.      All family dates and member costs shall be set by the current Executive Committee which consists of the current officers, coordinators and past Family Reunion Chairs. 

Article V. CBWYJG Family Business Meetings: 

Section 1.      A CBWYJG business meeting shall be held at the conclusion of every CBWYJG Family Reunion and Family Fun Day. The current Chair shall determine the time and place, open, preside over and close the meeting. 

Section 2.      A quorum shall consist of family members present at the announced time. 

Section 3.      The first item on the Family Reunion Business Meeting agenda is to elect a new Chair for the next 2 year term. 

Section 4.      The second item on the agenda is to open the floor for suggestions of the location of the next Family Fun Day.  The CBWYJG Executive Committee will consider the suggestions presented and decide the location at its regularly scheduled business meeting.  Family surveys may be distributed to help the committee decide the best location.  Other event locations shall also be decided by the Executive Committee using family surveys as a guide. 

Section 5.      The third item opens the floor for all volunteers who wish to declare their interest in being a part of the new Executive Committee as an Officer.  These individuals will be contacted by the Chair and Executive Committee. 

Section 6.     The fourth item is to solicit ideas from the family for ways to identify, reach and involve more family members in the corporate family events. 

Section 7.     A CBWYJG business meeting shall be held at the conclusion of every CBWYJG Family Fun Day. The current Chair shall determine the time and place, open, preside over and close the meeting. 

Section 8.     A quorum shall consist of family members present at the announced time. 

Section 9.     The first item on the Family Fun Day Meeting agenda is to discuss the location findings of the upcoming Family Reunion. 

Section 10.   The second item on the Family Fun Day Meeting agenda is to discuss the current family fundraising results and ongoing or new opportunities for the family to raise funds to offset event costs. 

Section 11.   The third item is to discuss all family business needing corporate involvement and decisions between Family Reunions. 

Section 12.   The fourth item at this meeting is to open the floor for all volunteers who wish to declare their interest in being a part of the new Executive Committee as an Officer.  They will be contacted by the Chair and Executive Committee later. 

Section 13.   The fifth item is to introduce new programs, events or activities where the organization can increase corporate family interaction and expand its support for its family members, however, the Family Fun Day and Family Reunion Weekends are not to be diminished by any new activity.  All activities shall be designed to culminate in the Family Fun Day on the off year and the Family Reunion on the even year. 

Section 14.    The sixth item is to solicit ideas from the family for ways to identify, reach and involve more family members in the corporate family events. 

Article VI.  CBWYJG Nominations and Eligibility

Section 1.     Nominations.  Any family member, their spouse, adult adopted or foster child who meets the following criterion is eligible to volunteer or be named as a Chair or Executive Committee Officer.   

Section 2.     Eligibility Criteria for Chair.  A Chair shall be an eligible volunteer or nominated individual who has demonstrated previous success on the CBWYJG Executive Committee as a 2 year term Officer.    
Section 3.     Eligibility Criteria for Executive Committee Officer.  An Executive Committee Officer shall be an eligible volunteer or nominated individual who has demonstrated previous success in contributing to the CBWYJG Executive Committee projects, committees or activities.   

Article VII. Election of CBWYJG Chair

Section 1.     The election of a new Chair shall be an agenda item on the CBWYJG family reunion business meeting.   

Section 2.     A Chair shall serve a term of 2 years and can be considered for a second term.  A Chair can be considered for a third term after sitting out a term.  If there is no volunteer or nominee, however, the Chair can be reelected for another term of office.  

Section 3.    Voters shall be CBWYJG family members only. 

Section 4.    Voting shall be done by a show of hands with the majority ruling. 

Article VIII. Election of Officers: 

Section 1.    The election of a new CBWYJG Officer shall be executed by the current Executive Committee during its regularly called Executive Committee Meeting.  An Officer shall also continue to serve until he/she is ready to relinquish the position or a successor has volunteered or been named.  If no one is elected or there is a problem finding a nominee, the current Officer can remain in office until someone is elected. 

Section 2.    The new Officer shall be a volunteer or a nominated individual who has demonstrated previous consistent interest and participation in family reunion events. 
Section 3.    Only CBWYJG Executive Committee members are eligible to vote on election of officers and coordinators. 

Section 4.    Voting shall be done by teleconference voice consent with the majority ruling. 

Article IX.  Officers: 
Section 1.     The officers shall be-- 

A Chair, Vice Chair, Administrator, Correspondence Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Registration Coordinator, Accommodations Coordinator, Activities Coordinator, Presentation Coordinator, Family Database Coordinator, Family Tree Coordinator, DNA Coordinator, Historian, Fundraising Coordinator, Ministry Coordinator, Music Coordinator, Scholarship Coordinator, Marketing Coordinator, Outreach Coordinators, Graphics and Web Designer, and Parliamentarian. 

Article X.    Duties of Officers: 

Section 1.      The Chair shall call to order, preside at all meetings and take the lead in all of the official business of the organization, unless delegated otherwise.  The Chair and Vice Chair shall cooperate in setting the agenda and sending timely electronic reminders to all committee members. 
Section 2.      The Vice Chair shall assist the Chair in leading in all official business of the organization as instructed by the Chair. 

Section 3.      The Administrator shall (a) assist the Chairs and officers as needed and (b) write and interpret the by-laws of the family constitution.  The Administrator or other member designated shall keep records of all proceedings at all Executive Committee and business meetings.  

Section 4.      The Correspondence Secretary shall (a) work closely with the Administrator to assist with recordkeeping tasks and (b) work closely with the Family Database Coordinator to assist in mailing or distributing all family correspondences.   
Section 5.      The Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer shall (a) receive, receipt and deposit all monies and assessments from the family members and (b) make reports of incoming and outgoing funds to the Chair and to the Executive Committee. There shall be two signers on the Family bank accounts. Separate accounts shall also be considered for special family event expenses, scholarship donations and publications. 

Section 6.     The Registration Coordinator shall be (a) responsible for all registration processes, including creating and distributing the family events registration form, (b) monitoring the events attendance, (c) overseeing on-site registration and (d) working closely with the Fundraising Coordinator and the Family Database Coordinator to make certain all family emails are captured and documented.  Periodic reports are to be made to the Chair and Executive Committee. 

Section 7.     The Accommodations Coordinator shall (a) search and solidify event locations best suited for family venues, (b) oversee hotel sleeping and meeting room accommodations, (c) confirm all menus and costs and (d) identify transportation to location.  All findings are to be presented to the Chair and Executive Committee so intelligent decisions can be made and advertised to the family at appropriate times. 

Section 8.     The Activities Coordinator shall (a) plan all recreation activities, (b) oversee the talent and fashion show, (c) develop all program activities and tours, (d) contact all family members for program participation, (e) draft a program for printing to be submitted to the Web and Graphics Designer and (f) make periodic reports to the Chair and Executive Committee. 

Section 9.     The Presentation Coordinator shall (a) develop and monitor the family facebook page, (b) solicit photos and other necessary information from Outreach Coordinators and family members, (c) assist with developing language for the family website, (d) prepare pictorial presentations and CDs, (e) assist with the production of the family Yearbook, and assist with any other family publication to be disseminated. 

Section 10.    The Family Database Coordinator shall (a) gather demographic and personal information from family members (b) manage/update the CBWYJG postal mail and email directory (c) oversee the production of a family directory into a readable format for family use and (d) work closely with the Correspondence Secretary. 

Section 11.     The Family Tree Coordinator shall (a) compile and research all Carter Bush Willis Young and Johnson Green family histories and (b) provide an up-to-date family tree for all family members to see or receive at the Family Reunion. The, Treemaker, etc. shall be used for family documentation.  

Section 12.     The Family Historian shall (a) research and compile all Carter Bush Willis Young and Johnson Green family histories, (b) develop a timeline of family events and (c) develop a history of our beginnings in Africa and Europe and our migration to the United States. 

Section 13.     The DNA Coordinators shall (a) encourage family members to take the Ancestry DNA test, (b) provide DNA results to the Family Tree Coordinator and Historian, (c) alert family of DNA sales or specials, (d) prepare a family profile and (e) place all DNA matches in an Ancestry DNA Family Circle.  Focus is on older family members for family legacy purposes. 

Section 14.    The Fundraising Coordinator shall (a) oversee and develop ways the family can secure funds and resources to defray expenses and costs of all family activities and scholarships and (b) work closely with the Marketing Coordinator to advertise events and products. 

Section 15.     The Ministry Coordinator will (a) develop a list of names of family members to serve in the spiritual and public speaking aspects of family events, such as religious speakers, prayer warriors, communion organizers, politicians, writers, motivators, etc. and (b) work closely with the Activities Coordinator. 

Section 16.     The Music Coordinator shall (a) assist the Chair and other Coordinators with names of family members to fill the musical aspects of the family events, such as praise team participants, soloists, instrumentalists, gospel singers, DJ, etc. and (b) work closely with the Activities Coordinator. 
Section 17.     The Scholarship Coordinator is to (a) help develop scholarship guidelines, requirements and documentation for a family Scholarship program, 
(b) contact all family graduates in their careers to support and mentor the program (c) work with the Fundraising Coordinator to find ways to raise funds, and (d) work with the Activities Coordinator to prepare a final awards program and spotlights to showcase scholarship honorees.  

Section 18.     The Marketing Coordinator will (a) assist in communicating and disseminating critical information and products to family members such as the promotion of family events, the oversight of family T-Shirts, the promotion of the family Yearbook and the marketing of all other family memorabilia.  (b) The Marketing  Coordinator will work closely with the Web and Graphics Designer and Registration Coordinator to make certain items are marketed and arrive on time for sale or distribution.   

Section 19.      The Outreach Coordinators shall (a) locate, oversee and communicate with family members in their lines or region, (b) make certain family members receive critical information, (c) report life events such as births, deaths, marriages, etc. to the Family Tree Coordinator, Family Database Coordinator, Historian, and Presentations Coordinator. 
Section 20.      The Web and Graphics Designer will (a) create and design the family crest, (b) oversee the family web page, (c) design and produce the family banner, (d)design the family program, (e) design and produce the family Yearbook, (f) design and produce all flyers, graphics and artwork for all family functions and (g) work with the Marketing Coordinator to introduce new technological methods and ways of communicating to and for the family. 

Section 21.      The Parliamentarian shall make certain meetings are governed by Roberts Rules of Order. 

Article XI.     Executive Board: 

Section 1.         All officers listed in Article IX shall comprise the CBWYJG Executive Committee and are required to be present or on a conference call when requested. 

Section 2.         The Chair or an appointed individual shall contact all Executive Committee members and apprise them of all meeting dates and times.  

Section 3.         The Chair shall set the agenda and call the Executive Committee Meeting to order. 

Section 4.         A quorum shall consist of Executive Committee members regularly present at the announced time. 

Section 5.         Decisions shall be made and confirmed by voice majority rule.  

Section 6.         Vacancy.  A vacancy created by resignation, absenteeism or inactivity can be declared “a vacancy” by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee. At that time a new officer can be nominated and confirmed by the Executive Committee or the vacated officer’s duties can be handed off to remaining active officers.  

Section 7.         Meetings can only be cancelled and rescheduled by the Chair.  In both cases notices are to be sent to every committee member within 36 hours. 

Article XII.   Standing Sub-Committees: 

Section 1.         The Chair or Executive Committee shall appoint a Sub-committee lead or Coordinator to research, oversee or execute a specific task as deemed necessary. 

Section 2.         The Chair of a Sub-committee shall be an Officer on the Executive Committee.  

Section 3.         Each Sub-committee shall be comprised of 3, 5 or 7 members and shall be governed by majority rule. 

Section 4.         The Sub-committee shall report its findings and progress to the Executive Committee as requested or as needed. 

Section 5.         All Sub-committees shall continue to function until their purposes are fulfilled. 

Article XIII.  Order: 

Section 1.         The proceedings and deliberations of this organization shall be governed by the CBWYJG Family By-laws. 

Article XIV.   Amendments: 

Section 1.         The CBWYJG Executive Committee shall approve these amended bylaws by a simple majority vote of members present at a regularly scheduled CBWYJG Executive Committee Meeting or by a simple majority vote of members present at a regular scheduled CBWYJG Family Business Meeting.  

Section 2.       These by-laws may be further amended or altered by submitting written changes to the Bylaws Committee for consideration at the next CBWYJG Executive Committee Meeting by a simple majority vote of members present or at a regularly scheduled CBWYJG business meeting by a simple majority vote of members present.   

Section 3.      The amended bylaws shall be sent to all family who have confirmed their email addresses.  They shall also be displayed on the CBWYJG family website and on the CBWYJG family Facebook page.